Tokengated Discounts allow you to give a discount to holders of a specific Token Collection, ERC-21 Token, or an Allowlist of wallet addresses.
Setting up a Gated Discount consists of 2 parts:
A) Setting up the discount in Shopify's native Discounts tab
B) Configuring the discount to your holder requirement in your Novel app
We'll break down each below:
A) Setting up a discount in Shopify
If you are familiar with setting up discounts in Shopify, you'll find the minimum requirements to using Novel's tokengated discounts feature below.
If you're new to Shopify discounts, check out this article first for a step by step walkthrough of how to set up a discount compatible with Novel.
Navigate to the Discounts tab in your Shopify Main Menu.
Click Create Discount in the top right corner and select the discount type of your choosing.
The following fields are required to be formatted to these specs to use Novel's tokengated discount functionality:
B) Configuring the discount in your Novel app
Select VIP Experience in your Novel main menu.
Click + Add VIP Experience.
Configure the customer facing branding of your gate. (page 1/4)
Under Gate Requirement - configure the keys to your gate. (page 2/4)
Under Discount, select all the discounts you'd like your holders to receive access to upon passing your gate. (page 2/4)
Not seeing your discount code? Click Refresh to sync over any recently created discount codes.
Interested in setting up Tiered Discounts? Read our article on it here.
Click Continue to configuring your gate. (page 3/4)
Click Continue to configure your Success Screens, then click Save.